National Lutherans For Life 888-364-LIFE
Word of Hope 888-217-8679 (LFL's abortion healing ministry)
Titus 2 for Life 641-373-0964 or 641-373-0964 (An outreach that mentors biblical manhood and womanhood through retreats, small groups, and publications.)
Our Identity Matters (Website for The Failure of Sex Education in the Church: Mistaken Identity, Compromised Purity)
Teaching For Life: A Curriculum (PK - 8th grade lessons that incorporate the life issues into math, social studies, language arts, religion and science - lesson plans & CDs)
Lutheran Family Service of Iowa (adoptions, pregnancy counsel, family care)
Truth TV (Ireland's #1 source for pro-life information, includes testimonies of abortionists who've left the trade)
Life News
Christian Medical & Dental Association
Iowa Right to Life
The Elliot Institute
Patients Rights Council (end of life issues)
Joni & Friends (end of life issues)
Stand to Reason (reason & logic for the pro-life Christian)
Life Dynamics
Priests for Life
Focus on the Family
The Family Research Council
Answers In Genesis (What is our origin and purpose? Why is human life sacred and worthy of protection?)
Dr. Miriam Grossman
Dr. Meg Meeker
Human Care of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod