Which is better for individuals, families, and society: Christian charity or state welfare? What has state welfare accomplished? What does it require? To what does it lead?
Now, consider the history of the Church and its impact on the culture. It is Christians, not the state, who created a diaconia that cared for widows (Acts 6:1-7); established common treasuries to aid the needy (1 Cor. 16:2); formed collegia, soladitats, or factionis (voluntary associations) to aid the unfortunate; provided for orphans; established nosocomia (institutions that served the sick); constructed xenodchia (buildings that housed strangers, travelers, and the sick); operated ptochia (institututions for the poor); and introduced gerontocomia (institutions for the aged).
To learn more, we highly recommend that you purchase a copy of How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin J. Schmidt (Zondervan).
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